Entrepreneurs in University: ENTREP's four principles

Entrepreneurs in University: ENTREP's four principles

Writer: Josiah  Sugiura


【The meaning of entrepreneurship】


As societies around the world continue to progress with rapid innovations in technology, communication, and data sharing, the career pathways for people of all ages has increased significantly. The widespread access to the internet has created a platform for new ideas, businesses, and opportunities that have never existed before. However, with the countless opportunities available to people today and the popularization of entrepreneurship, the traditional pathway of attending university after high school and then transitioning into the workforce has many students questioning the value of continuing their education. One of the prevalent misconceptions people have about entrepreneurship is that to be a successful entrepreneur, one must defer from the traditional path and start their own business. But we at ENTREP believe that developing an entrepreneurial mindset is not limited to starting a business; but to all aspects of one’s life including pursuing higher education in a university.



Entreprenuership, especially the mindset is not the pursuit of materialism. As a life stlye, it is to self-actualize, with components such as leadership, collaboration, and dedication. 

【Why entrepreneurship is vital in universities】


Based on our 4 principles, ICU or any university is an ideal environment to cultivate and express the mindset of an entrepreneur. Having an entrepreneurial mindset in university is not a requirement to do well, but the opportunities that arise when students adopt said mindset can propel them toward greater levels of growth in all areas. 


【ENTREP’s four principles】



"I think, therefore I do"

Education, especially beyond primary levels, encourages students to take initiative to go above and beyond what is required to pass and pursue greater levels of learning. The entrepreneurial mindset emphasizes the individual's responsibility to learn, not just to pass a class or receive a degree, but as a means to accomplish the aspirations and goals that they are passionate about. They do not take for granted the resources and opportunities that are before them; they see each assignment, class, project and interaction as a chance to become better students, friends, and members of their communities. Because entrepreneurs want to make their dreams into reality, they do the work that is necessary, putting their best foot forward in everything that they do.


"Fail fast, Fail Forward"


Entrepreneurs take on greater levels of risk as they introduce new services, challenge competitors, solve problems, meet needs and provide value. The fear of failure does not stop them taking the risks necessary to move forwards and when failure does occur, they do not allow the past to deter them from trying again in the future. In the same way, students can cultivate that same attitude by trying new things, taking different classes, participating in or starting clubs, and making new connections. Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Entrepreneurs see failure not as a step back or mistake, but a stepping stone to success. If students were to take that idea and apply it to their time in university, the failure that they experience would prepare them for success in what they decide to pursue in the future.  


“Be a Comple-mentor”

Entrepreneurs understand that building successful businesses and accomplishing great things require collaboration and teamwork. In business, the strengths of individuals are strategically placed to maximize the effectiveness of each person’s efforts. As students, focusing on our own studies is important, but as we develop an entrepreneurial mindset, we recognize the value and importance of encouraging those around us. The success of others and the communities we are a part of, make us better leaders and team members, allowing us to put our best foot forward in everything that we do.


“Reveal you True Art”

Oftentimes, great businesses come out of creative ideas and different ways of looking at/interacting with our world. Entrepreneurs are able to take their unique perspective and passion for different things and turn them into value for society.  During our time in university, we have the opportunity to explore different subjects, discover what excites us, and find others that we can relate to and work alongside. Whether it’s social issues, environmental concerns, entertainment, new technologies, or making people’s lives more enjoyable, when we share our unique ideas and pursue our passions, not only do we make our lives better, but society as a whole benefits from the collaboration of different individuals and their ideas.


By applying these 4 principles: “I think, therefore I do”, “Fail Fast, Fail Forward”, “Be a Comple-mentor”, and “Reveal your True Art”, our time in university and our impact as students can benefit greatly in all aspects. Last but not least, we believe that entrepreneurship can change the world.